Understanding and Responding to Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia 2023 Series

This activity includes four 30min recorded modules that provides team members with the overview of Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementia. Team members will learn: to recognize common triggers for behaviors associated with dementia, explain the process for identifying challenging behaviors, and list strategies to address some common dementia-related behaviors at different stages of disease progression. The goal, when learning and using these strategies, is for team members to provide safe and personalized care for the dementia patient, thereby decreasing episodes of fear, restlessness, and agitation.

Target Audience

This activity is intended for Inter-Professional- MD, RN, and other interested healthcare professionals in any setting that interact with dementia patients in their role.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, learners should be able to:

  1. Recognize common triggers for behaviors associated with dementia
  2. Explain the process for identifying challenging behaviors
  3. Discover strategies to address some common dementia-related behaviors at different stages of disease progression.  
Course summary
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Contact the Advocate Aurora Health CME Office at [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.